You finally made it. Your last year! Three and a half years ago in middle school, we told you, "It will go fast so make the most of it." Now here you are and even though at times it seemed like it would never arrive you are almost ready to end this chapter and begin your next. Remember, as senioritis sets in, grades still matter, character still matters... stay the course.

Every fall there are dozens of college representatives that visit Bloomsburg High School! Announcements are made and lists are posted in the guidance office of the times and dates of these visits. We encourage both juniors and seniors to take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions and get information about colleges that interest them...all without ever leaving Bloomsburg:)

College is costly!! We all need as many resources as possible. For more information visit the Financial Aid Page on this web site Click here.

Seniors are HIGHLY encouraged to visit college campuses. We explain to all seniors that they should never be committing to a college that they have not visited. In our top 5 reasons "how not to pick a college" number three is "because it looks nice on the website". Let's face it, most of us are going to take a car for a test drive before we buy it and we are not purchasing a home from a real estate catalog. College is a huge investment and students should take them for a "test drive" before making a decision.
College visits are important in the college decision-making process. We encourage students to take these visits if at all possible during the academic year. There is a feel or vibe you get from each campus that is not there during the summer months. Don't forget to drop off your note from mom or dad with the date and time of your visit before you go.

We encourage students to use scholarship databases to help them organize their scholarship searchs. Links to our recommendations are below.
Also, each year the BHS faculty award senior students scholarships. The BHS link below becomes active in February each year so students can apply to be eligible for these BHS scholarships.