College Representatives and College Fairs
Every fall there are dozens of college representatives that visit Bloomsburg High School! Announcements are made and lists are posted in the guidance office of the times and dates of these visits. We encourage both juniors and seniors to take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions and get information about colleges that interest them...all without ever leaving Bloomsburg:)
A college fair is like killing A LOT of birds with one stone:) and the best part is its FREE!
Fairs may not be for everyone but they are a great first step on the path to finding your perfect fit! These events typically have many colleges in attendance so it is important for you to stay focused and have a few questions prepared ahead of time. Here is just a small sample of questions:
My GPA and ACT/SAT scores are (xxx) and (xxx). How does this profile compare with students admitted to your school?
I am planning to major in (xxx) or (xxx). Are there specific admissions requirements for these majors? How competitive are these majors
What makes your programs related to these majors unique?
What internship opportunities are available that are related to these majors? What support is available in finding internships?
How do first-year students choose their classes?
How many students will be in the classes I’m likely to take my first year?
What percentage of last year’s freshman class returned for sophomore year?
How are academic advisors / faculty advisors assigned?
How are roommates and residence halls assigned?
What institutional or department scholarships are available to students? What are the eligibility requirements? How are these scholarships awarded?

Both Luzerne County Community College and Bucknell University sponsor a college Fair in the fall of each year. Dates and times will be shared with juniors and seniors as well as posted in the school. For more information contact the guidance office in September.